takziah buat keluarga pengarah yang ku suka . tribute to Yasmin Ahmad

salam buat sekalian . "ohh tidak ." baru saja pagi tadi aku menyebut perkataan itu . bila mak naik ke atas dan aku pulak baru aja bangun dari tidur masa tu .. mak cakap kat aku Yasmin Ahmad dah meninggal . aduhh . aku sesangat sedih . bagiku Yasmin Ahmand bukan sekadar seorang pengarah filem , but she is so soo talented in her work . i am very stunned that this very gifted film maker had past away soo soon . i am very exited when her film " Talentime " is aired this year . throughout her work i have been inspired in every way . bila first time i watched " Sepet " i was really really amazed . i was touched by her film . yes ! aku menangis macam budak kecik bila tonton " Sepet " . ngahahaa ..
what i like her work is not only about the good quality , but her vision in putting multiracial story line and turn them into one big simple film that touched soo many including ama .like i said before , cerita Yasmin Ahmad memang menginspirasikan buat ku . cerita yang disampaikannya telah menyebabkan ku memberi pandangan yang berbeza buat sesetengah perkara dalam hidup ini . ama memang keen sangat nak tengok karya Alyarham nanti . tapi beliau telah Gone To Soon . wow .. i never felt this sad right after MJ's sudden death .
oke . this is all for what i want to say . i'm just sadden about her passing news . memang tak dinafikan MALAYSIA dah kehilangan seorang pengarah yang talented in this industry . sememangnya Alyarham Yasmin Ahmad one of the iconic person in this industries . i'll say her work is in the same lavel as the late Tan Sri P. Ramlee and Alyarham Sudirman . apa yang ku suka tentang wanita hebat ini she is a risk taker . throughout her work there is so many controversy and criticism . but still many people were devoded to her karya . i am tributing this post to the one and only Yasmin Ahamad . and set my farewell to her . selamat tinggal .
Al-Fatihah buat Alyarham Yasmin Ahamad . truely an IKON to the industry


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